Vegetarian Or Vegan
A friend of mine spreads some light on the vegan swallowing mystery...
Actually, the question of whether or not it is okay for a vegetarian or vegan to give BJs, and if so, if it was all right to swallow, the general consensus is:
1. It is perfectly all right to give BJs because no animal is harmed in the process.
2. It is okay to ingest sperm because it is not an animal.
Also, sperm is a good source of protein, something that is often lacking when meat is removed from the diet.
You're still my favorite lap dance,
Can you guys imagine dating one of these gals?
I can see it in my mind's eye; your vegan girl comes home from work all worn out, craving your meat.
She looks at you and says, "I need to blow you. I haven't had enough protein today. I'm dizzy and weak and only a protein vanilla slurpee will do."
Damn. A breed of women who not only like performing oral sex, but consider it nourishment. I gotta get me a vegan.
Little Johnny's father has to come to school to talk to the teacher.
Teacher: 'Sir, I'm sorry, but your son does absolutely nothing at
school, he fails every subject!!'
Dad: 'Except for drawing, he's a very good drawer.'
Teacher: 'That's correct, last week he drew a tiger on the chalk board
and the kids were so frightened I couldn't get them to enter the classroom'
Dad: 'That's nothing, last month he drew a pussy on the stove, I fuckin
burned my dick three times!!'

17 November 2012 at 01:37
18 November 2012 at 16:48
Like the little johnny joke.
21 November 2012 at 11:56
Laughed a lot at the pictures!
2 December 2012 at 22:04
Little johnny is so funny thanks for making me laugh :):):):
thanks for sharing
28 December 2012 at 20:26
K love the Halloween pic
17 February 2013 at 19:21
:-) - - ;-) - - - :-D
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